Our Latest Blog Posts
Trust: The Foundation of Success
Understand Your Client's Motivation
Building trust with clients isn't just a box to tick—it's the cornerstone of a successful business. With his extensive background in real estate negotiations, Eirik Davey-Gislason emphasizes the pivotal role of trust in elevating your business to new heights.
Setting Your Goals and Preparing for a New Year
Real estate agents without specific goals don't have a planned out road to take to reach personal and business success. The start of a new year is a great time to review and set goals.
Mastering the Art of Collaboration in Real Estate
In the latest issue of Smart Agents Magazine, we had the pleasure of featuring Rick Janson, a Denver-based real estate agent who has mastered the art of collaboration and growth in his over two-decade-long career. Rick's approach to real estate is a testament to the power of collaboration, learning from others, and leveraging one's unique skills.
Just Published! The New & Improved Smart Agents Magazine!
We're thrilled to announce the inaugural issue of the new Smart Agents Magazine, full of insights and strategies designed to help real estate agents grow and collaborate more effectively.
The #1 Mistake Real Estate Agents Make On Their Listing Presentation & How To Fix It
As a real estate agent, winning listings is key to growing your business. But, many agents make a common mistake that causes them to lose listings. In this post, we’ll reveal the number one mistake that agents make on their listing presentation and how to fix it.
How To Generate 100+ Real Estate Listing Leads in 5 Minutes
If you're a real estate agent looking to quickly flood your business with listing leads, then you'll want to keep reading. In this blog post, we'll show you an easy and cost-effective way to find hot listing leads that your competition doesn't know about.
The 10 Best Real Estate Listing Leads For EASY Listings
From pre-foreclosures and FSBOs, to vacant and inherited homes, each lead source has its own unique advantages. Most listing strategies don't work because they're too competitive.
5 Reasons Your Real Estate Marketing Fails (And How To Fix It)
Have you ever had a real estate marketing campaign fail? There are five common reasons that most real estate marketing campaigns fail. In this video, we identify the five biggest mistakes and give you tips for fixing them.
2022 Goal Planning - Tracking and Adjusting for Your Goals
Are you ready for 2022? Let us help you. In part 2 of this blog, we'll share how to keep track of your new goals and adjust when things happen.
2022 Goal Planning - Establish and Break Down Your Goals
Are you ready for 2022? Let us help you. It's time to figure out your goals and how you'll tackle them systematically for true success as an agent.
'Tis the Season for Real Estate: Holiday Marketing Tips
Don't let this season be a fa-la-la-LOP when you could be marketing your real estate business to old and new clients! Here are some tips to make it happen.
Halloween Real Estate Marketing Ideas
Even if there's still some uncertainty surrounding Halloween and whether or not some of the most popular activities (i.e. trick-or-treating and fall festivals) can take place, that doesn't mean it isn't a great opportunity to market your business.
Lisa Jones Talks Virtual Showings and a Shifting Real Estate Landscape
How Katie McCowen Uses Instagram to Earn the Trust of a Local Audience
How you promote your business across major social media platforms can make or break your real estate success. Just ask Katie McCowen, a Florida-based agent who uses Instagram to boost her credibility and gain the trust of her local audience. She says Instagram is a great way to “educate the public” and “reach an unlimited amount of people.”
Chad Bishop: Maximizing Your Time and Money Through Referrals
In the business world, referrals can make or break the balance sheet. What may seem like a simple recommendation from a friend is actually a marketing tool with powerful influence.
The Importance of Finding Balance in Real Estate
Real estate is a demanding business. It requires you to be on call at all times and often to work nights and weekends. It's not surprising that many agents get burned out and ultimately decide to pursue another path.
How Don Dunbar Helps Buyers Achieve Their Dreams
As a licensed Realtor in California for the last three decades, Don Dunbar has diligently built relationships with numerous clients and solved issues that could stand in the way of a successful real estate transaction. Don’s point of view is that everyone deserves the chance to own their own home — even if their financial situation is less than perfect. That said, he has earned his glowing reputation by working with buyers of all income levels and helping them find the keys to their dreams.
The Two-Sentence Listing Presentation Close
Don’t Need a Full Listing Presentation? Try a Two-Sentence Close.
In some cases, giving a full listing presentation just isn't necessary. If you sense that someone is ready to list with you, try an alternative I like to call the two-sentence close.
If the homeowners aren't interviewing anyone else and they've made comments about working with you prior to the appointment or when you were looking at the home, they might be anxious to get started.
17 Ways to Find Listings With NO Prospecting
Tap the overlooked niches in your market for more listings…No prospecting needed!
7 FSBO Objection Scripts That Win Listings
Objections - almost every FSBO seller has them. But it's how you respond that will make the difference between getting the listing and getting shown the exit. Here are strategic responses for common objections.
Kate Adams: For the Love of Architecture
Kate Adams is a Realtor based in Pasadena, California whose undeniable passion for architecture shows in each of her transactions. Since earning her real estate license in 2001, Kate has lived in other areas of the West coast, including Oregon, but it’s clear she has a fierce love for Pasadena, the place where she grew up and first came to love architecture.
Madison Reeves: Being Influential in a Sea of Influencers
When COVID-19 first took hold of the United States in Spring 2020, Madison Reeves, a Realtor with Keller Williams Realty in Black Hills, South Dakota, had been licensed less than one year. While she could have backed down from her new path and declared it not the ideal time for a drastic career change, she instead rose to the occasion and embraced the challenges head on.
12 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Agents
If you really like what you do, you'll never stop looking for new ways to improve. You can’t just "go through the motions" and do things the same way if you want to be the best you can be.
The Ultimate Guide for Turning FSBOS into Listings
When was the last time you listed a FSBO? It’s no secret FSBOs can make great leads for agents, but you have to establish a strategy to work with them and convert them on a regular basis so it grows your business.
A Successful Divorce Agent Shares Her Secrets to Success
Divorcing homeowners offer a unique opportunity to the right agent willing to put in the work to list them.
COVID-19 Update: Checking in with Agents 7 Months Later
Back in March, COVID-19 hit the U.S., and the real estate industry was thrown into a tailspin. Agents across the country were forced to reevaluate and make changes to keep their businesses afloat.
How to Find and Win Inherited Home Listings
About 79 million people were born between 1941 and 1960. These are known as the "baby boomers."
How Two Different Agents Approach Vacant Listings
We recently spoke with two different agents who do a lot of work with vacant listings. Check out their interviews with our team below to see how they approach and land the listings.
Dealing With Rude Sellers
Are rude sellers driving you crazy?
Every agent has dealt with rude sellers, the ones who call you at 10 P.M. demanding attention right then and there.
But how do you deal with these unsolicited confrontations?
Whether your sellers are complaining about a lack of offers or a failed inspection, it's important to respond to their needs with care and tact. After all, your business relies on happy clients who will recommend you to others.
Leaping into Fall: Tips for Tackling the Slower Season
People are packing up their flip-flops and sunblock, ditching the Jimmy Buffet playlists, and getting ready for a new season of early morning to-do’s, freshly ironed business clothes, and afternoons of sports-practice chauffeuring.
As a real estate agent, what effect does the seasonal change-over have on your business?
Are you prepared to continue nabbing new listings even as the market declines over the next few “off months?”
6 Ways to Get Listings with Text Messaging
Texting your friends and family a lot these days? Guess what? You can text your real estate leads too. Here's how to do it so it leads to listings!
Marketing Strategies for Reaching Your Sphere of Influence Online and Off
How to Get Listings with an EDDM Postcard Campaign
Wondering how you can dominate listings in your local neighborhood? Or maybe a prospective neighborhood where you hope to do business? It's simple.
14 Cheap Ways to Build Your Real Estate Brand Using Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla marketing might sound intimidating, but it's really just another way of saying "out of the box" marketing.
How Steve Built a Fail-Proof Listing Presentation
Steve Dozier has been a real estate agent since 2001, and over that time, he’s built a solid business and handled millions of dollars in transactions.
5 Facts to Entice Home Sellers in 2020
To say the year 2020 is an unusual one is an understatement. But unlike many housing analysts predicted, the housing market remains strong, and experts now believe a crash is highly unlikely.
How to Make Real Estate Less Stressful
Owning a real estate business has the potential to be a stressful career. There are a lot of reasons for this, and you're probably familiar with most of them. But with a few strategies, you can elevate your career from stressful to satisfying.
How Rick Gets Referrals in a Tech-Driven Society
Rick Culp, a 24-year real estate veteran from Denver, has previously talked with our team about his FSBO open house strategy.
How To Text Clients And Get Listings
Text messages are poised as the most preferred mode of communication for the next generation of home buyers and sellers. When you consider the fact that 96% of Americans own a mobile phone, it's certainly no surprise.
How John Eccles Is Landing Vacant Deals Amid COVID-19
John Eccles, an agent with Keller Williams in Maine, has been in real estate full time for about a year and a half.
How to Find Divorced Homes Who Have to Sell
A big part of being a real estate agent is helping people, and there's nothing more rewarding than helping people who are experiencing a tough time.
The Top 3 Things Agents Forget About Expireds
Good job going after the expireds market! Now, keep in mind these 3 important things that will set you apart from other agents who have tried and failed.
How CJ Garrett Roth Built Professional Rapport to Land Inherited Listings
CJ Garrett Roth, owner of the brokerage Low Country Charmed in Charleston, S.C., has been an agent for 17 years.
How To Ask For Price Reductions
Congratulations! You've landed the listing. That's great news!
But there's also some bad news. The sellers are insisting on a too high price. You know the home will never sell at that price. So when the time inevitably comes to ask for a price reduction, how do you go about it?
How to Create a FSBO Campaign that Converts
With over a million agents in the industry, standing out and getting FSBOs to list with you is a huge job. There are a lot of agents going after them, calling them, mailing them, and pursuing them to get them to list. So the campaign that you use makes a huge difference on your success.
Despite Increase in Coronavirus Cases, Real Estate Market Continues to Improve
Despite rising coronavirus cases across the country, the real estate market is continuing on an upward trajectory.
6 Ways to Start Over After Setback or Failure
Have you ever had a setback in life or a failure that really knocked you backward? They happen to all of us. We're humans; we're not robots. We do make mistakes. So when it happens, how do you recover?
Here are 6 ways that have helped me get back up, pull my crap together and move on with life. I'd like to share them with you today.
How to Find and List Inherited Homes
If you’ve ever worked with inherited home sales, you know how emotionally charged the process can be. Not only has the person selling recently lost a loved one, but there are often multiple players involved — some of whom don’t agree on what should be done with the home.
How Rahim Gets Listings Through Senior Housing Partnerships
With a background in nursing, Rahim Charania, an agent from London, Ontario, got into real estate in a nontraditional way.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back
What holds you back in life? Limiting beliefs are one of the major things that prohibits people from achieving their goals. It has happened to me. Maybe it's happened to you. But what can you do about it?
How to Get Listings From FSBO Open Houses
Rick Culp, a Denver real estate agent, says that when he first became an agent, he dealt with the same struggle all new agents encounter: getting solid listings. He tried working with buyers, but even buyers were skeptical of his skillset, since he had no listings. Then, one day, Rick struck gold with his first FSBO.
How to Use Geographic Farming to Win Listings
Are you successfully farming an area for your real estate business?
5 Tips to Overcome HGTV-Level Expectations
At some point during your real estate career, have you had to work with a seller or buyer with unrealistic expectations?
Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Keys to an Efficient Career
You hear me say it all the time:
“Keep working smart!”
“Work smarter, not harder!”
But without explaining exactly what I mean, I can’t possibly expect you to follow my advice, now can I?
Home Buyer Demand Has Climbed 54% in 6 Weeks
After bottoming out in early April, home buyer demand has since climbed 54%.
Lean on Referral Partners to Bolster Your Business
While you’re adapting your business to effectively operate through the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a good chance your referral partners are doing the same.
How Kevin Kellogg Sustains His Business Through Property Management
While real estate can be a highly lucrative career choice, it’s also fairly inconsistent. While you could rake in tens of thousands one month, you might have nothing coming in the next. But that doesn’t mean you need to work a 9 to 5 job to avoid the cycle of feast or famine.
7 Marketing Ideas for Summer 2020
Even though this spring season has been anything but normal, we are still heading into the summer months, when people historically are more likely to buy and sell homes.
How David Smith Found a Silver Lining in the Pandemic Market
“You have to reevaluate why you're doing this business. If you don't reevaluate why you're doing this, you're in the wrong business — any business.”
How to Utilize Video to Transform Your Business
These days, virtual is the name of the game. And the next best thing to being able to reach people in person is to reach them through video.
10 Signs the Coronavirus Real Estate Market is Improving
Since mid-March, the real estate industry has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with market slowdowns reported across the country. But despite a steep drop off in the first few weeks since the country went on lockdown, it seems things are slowly improving.
8 Tips for a Successful Blog Post
When you’re spending more time doing business remotely, you can focus your attention on things you wouldn’t normally have time to do.
Talking Personal Communication in a Virtual World with Kristin Garnett
While the world is relying more on virtual communication than ever before, that doesn’t mean the art of personal communication is lost.
7 Ways to Be a Superhero Agent During the Coronavirus
It was Fred Rogers who famously said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
Understanding the Long Game in Real Estate with Patrick Johnson
Do you know the difference between a long game and a short game? It pretty much applies everywhere in life, including real estate.
How to Prepare and Thrive in a Market Shift
Since it first broke out in the United States last month, the coronavirus has caused a shift in virtually every aspect of our lives.
How Nicole's Quality Over Quantity Approach is Sustaining Her Business
Nicole Duran, an agent from Chicago, has been in real estate for 11 years. Her approach is less conventional, but in times like these, it’s keeping her in business.
How to Win Listings with a Virtual Listing Presentation
During the COVID-19 outbreak, agents everywhere are having to find new ways to do business. Thankfully, we live in a time that allows us to conduct a lot of our business virtually.
How April and Her Team Are Staying Off the Sidelines
“I tell them all the time, ‘There is a delay; there is not a denial.’ We may have a few delays, but we don't have any denials here at House Hunters Realty.”
10 Article Topics You Should Be Sharing With Your Sphere
It’s easy to watch the news these days and feel helpless. We wonder if small businesses will weather this storm. We wonder how we'll survive the kids not being in school. But most of all, we wonder how COVID-19 is going to impact us and our families.
How to Use Technology to Get Real Estate Listings During Coronavirus
Let us paint a little picture. It's 1995, and the real estate landscape is worlds away from what it is today.
How Your Mindset Affects You, Your Clients and Your Success
Being positive will literally keep you in business. Here's why.
Zillow Study Predicts Immediate Market Rebound After Coronavirus
We recently talked about all the reasons the housing market wouldn’t crash because of the coronavirus — but that doesn’t mean it won’t take a temporary hit.
Strategic Budgeting for Difficult Times
No one can deny that the market is changing. In these difficult times, strategic budgeting is absolutely crucial to your survival as a real estate agent.
These Agents Survived the Last Housing Crash. Here Are Their Tips.
Just four years after they started in real estate, Bryan and Colleen Souza weathered the storm of the Great Recession. The Fresno, Calif., real estate pair has now been in business for over 16 years, during which time they’ve sold more than 650 homes — $165 million in real estate.
A Tough Market Survival Guide for COVID-19
The market is uncertain at the moment, but your plan doesn't have to be. Be a smart agent and figure out a way to thrive no matter the conditions.
8 Reasons the Coronavirus Won’t Crash the Housing Market
It’s all you hear on the news, it’s all you read in the papers, and it’s all you see on social media. The coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s safe to say that everyone is scared, both of the disease itself and the potential economic implications of the whole country going into a temporary quarantine.
How to Show a Home During COVID-19 Concerns
With recent concerns surrounding COVID-19, how should agents handle the typical tasks of showing a home to an interested buyer?
Virtual Reality: Online Meetings for Your Real Estate Business
More people are staying home or curbing their social and professional gatherings. But with the help of a few applications, you can conduct business as usual with real estate clients.
Stand Out From Your Competition with a Solid Brand Image
The Association of Real Estate License Law Officials estimates there are about 2 million active real estate licensees in the United States.
That’s a whole lot of Realtors competing for a constantly fluctuating pool of clients.
Overcoming Top Real Estate Weaknesses
Every agent has weaknesses. Learn how to overcome yours for optimal success in your real estate business!
Take a Unique Approach to Win Expired Listings
We all have our opinions about working with expireds.
They're one of the most obvious niches of real estate, yet also one of the most despised.
Why is that? And how can you, as an agent, conquer them? Keep reading.
Five Tips for the Shy Realtor
If you love the idea of selling real estate but find the prospect of calling people and making connections uncomfortable, then read on. This blog’s for you!
Chats with Industry Insiders: HomeDiary
HomeDiary takes all the information about a listed home and puts it into one sleek location that appeals to buyers. Think of it as online dating - but for properties.
Chats with Industry Insiders: RateMyAgent.com
Need to share your best reviews with the world and leverage them to get more business? Try RateMyAgent.com for free today!
Chats with Industry Insiders: Lolo.Gifts
Looking for a simple and meaningful way to stay relevant to your real estate sphere in 2020? Lolo Gifts can make it happen!
How to Gain Community Trust
Get to know people in the community by representing a cause you (and they!) care about. It's a great way to meet leads and build rapport.
Real Estate Gifts To Increase Referrals
Giving a gift to a client after a transaction is a common thing for agents to do. And for a good reason.
Chats with Industry Insiders: OhGuests Takes Your Open Houses to the Next Level
Open Houses aren't always a big hit with agents, but OhGuests is here to help take them to the next level, as well as increase the number of leads you get!
Chats with Industry Insiders: Use Rela to Make a Marketing Impact
The task list that goes into marketing a listing can be quite a feat - but you can make it easier on yourself with Rela, a full-service marketing platform that does the hard work FOR you!
Chats with Industry Insiders: RealEZPhotoFix Makes Listing Photos Shine
First impressions matter, especially when it comes to what buyers see on a listing! Learn from Tim Denbo, CEO of RealEZPhotoFix, how to spruce up all your real estate photography and grow your business.
Chats with Industry Insiders: Use Addressable to Send More Letters
Did you just write five cards and get a hand cramp? Are you looking for a new and highly effective way to reach your sphere? Addressable can help you - and you can try it for free!
How to Win Listings With No Competition
Tired of going to the same stuffy functions and pushing your business cards on people? Good news; you don't have to. Try a new tactic for keeping up with your sphere and growing your business.
How to Set Yourself Apart from “Discount” Real Estate Options
Don't let discount selling schemes with sites like Zillow and Redfin get you off your game. Prove your skills to sellers, show your value as an agent and get more listings.
6 Ways to Make Your Listings Multiply
Want your recently sold listing (Congrats, btw) to turn into MORE listing opportunities? Here are six ways to make it happen!
Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas for Real Estate
Are you ready to gobble up more sales? Try a few Thanksgiving marketing strategies to connect with others, promote your brand and get more listings before the end of the year!
How to Be The Real Estate Expert in your Community
Want to grow your business, grow your sphere and make more sales? Get a little creative and host an event! It's easier than you think.
Tips and Scripts to Follow Up with Leads
Your to-do list as a real estate agent should always have "following up with leads" on it. Don't be afraid to reach out either - it's going to take more than one time to get the listing!
How to Generate Listings from Homes Not on the Market
List more homes by playing "matchmaker" with buyers and sellers - follow these tips and you'll find more perfect pairs to grow your real estate business.
The Power of Asking
Not all sellers are the same, so get to know them by asking the RIGHT questions that will lead to a relationship - and, eventually, a listing.
How to CLONE Yourself
Trying to be in two places at once? Guess what - you can do it! Here's how to hire a virtual assistant and get twice as much work done in half the time.
How to Build Your Unique Selling Point and Stand Out
Do you know what makes YOU stand out from the crowd? If you aren't sure, it's time to find out - and use your personal story to grow your real estate business.
Effectively Leveraging Your Sphere of Influence
Who's in your address book? If you haven't looked lately, it's time to look again. The people in your sphere of influence are a fantastic source of new business!
7 Steps to Help You Gain Reviews and Rank on Google
Would you like to attract clients while also building trust and rapport? Here are 7 steps to building up great reviews and obtaining a higher rank on Google so you can. And the best part is, it costs nothing!
The Fundamentals of FSBO Objection Handling
Are you nervous about your FSBO listing appointment and the objections you might encounter? Here is sound advice for how to tackle objections the new way, so you can help FSBO sellers see past their reservations and look forward to listing with you.
FSBO Sales Appointments Part 5: The Traditional Listing Appointment
FSBO Sales Appointments Part Five: It's time to get that listing! With a few smart strategies, the sellers will see how you can solve all their problems and sell their house.
FSBO Sales Appointments Part 4: Door Knocking
Are you a bold agent who isn't afraid to knock on the door or ring the bell to meet FSBOs face to face? Here's some advice to use that skill and get listings!
FSBO Sales Appointments Part 3: Open House Drop-Bys
FSBO Sales Appointments Part Three: What are you doing this Saturday? How about visiting a few FSBO open houses? Learn tips for maximizing this strategy and getting closer to a listing.
FSBO Sales Appointments Part 2: "May I Preview the Home?"
FSBO Sales Appointments Part Two: Heading over to a FSBO's house for a basic preview appointment? Read this first for tips on building rapport so it's easy to list them later!
FSBO Sales Appointments Part 1: I Have a Buyer
FSBO Sales Appointments Part One: Are you planning to use the "I Have a Buyer" Strategy? Read this first, and understand why you'll need to build trust with the FSBO lead before you use this line.
FSBO Scripts for Getting Listing Appointments
Need to call a hot FSBO lead but could use a little guidance on what to say for your first phone call? Here are some tips for scripts, whether the lead is ready to be closed or just warming up.
Should you Spend Time or Money to Get Listings?
Should you spend your time or your money to get listings? That's a huge debate that I hear a lot. Often, when you have money, you don't have time, but when you have a lot of time, you don't have the money.
Back to School Real Estate Marketing
The start of the school year is one of the best time to target parents.
6 Ways to Convert FSBOs into Listings
Here are six ways to turn For-Sale-by-Owner leads into listings. Obviously, there are many ways to go after a FSBO and get a listing appointment or get a preview appointment.
But I want to talk about some of the most popular ones and some variations of them that you can do to actually get more of these sellers to respond and give you a listing appointment.
3 Ways to Get a Difficult Project Completed Easily
Have you ever had that project that you just don't feel like doing, but you know it's critical to your success?
Let’s talk about three tips you can try to help you knock out those projects, and most importantly, have fun doing it.
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Start Being More Productive
Have you ever started a new week, and you have already feel like you're running behind and overwhelmed?
Let’s talk about how you can start every Monday without feeling overwhelmed, but rather feeling motivated and ahead of what needs to be done.
The Top 3 Ways to Do More With Less Time
Have you ever thought to yourself, Man, I wish I just had more time. I have so many things to do. I am so busy.
I think we all want more time in our lives. I'm going to share with you three tricks that you can use to do more with less time, ultimately putting more time in your life.
How to Plan Your Ideal Day
Have you ever felt pressure to structure your day the same way as someone else?
Maybe you’ve heard contradicting productivity information that confused you?
For example, it seems like everyone talks about being a “morning person”.
But there’s also a lot of information about being a night owl that contradicts it.
Or maybe you’ve tried a productivity system, only to get discouraged?
How to Make Every Day a Great Day
Have you ever had an amazing day ...where everything seemed to go perfectly?
How would you like to have that happen every day?
It may be hard to believe but it’s possible.
Lets face it... If every day was as good as our best day we’d have an amazing life, right?
But the reason we have bad days is because we structure our days incorrectly.
I’m going to show you how to make every day a good day...
...so every day can be productive and fulfilling!
Increase Productivity By Removing These 11 Distractions
Would you like to be more productive and get more done in less time? One of the ways is to increase your discipline, but an even faster way to do it is to remove distractions.
Productivity: The Series
Want to learn to be your MOST productive self, avoid needless distractions, become more strategic and grow your business? Check out our series on productivity.
How to Make Every Day a Great Day
Increase Productivity by Eliminating These 11 Distractions
Six Ways to Start Over After a Setback or Failure
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back
The Top 3 Ways to Do More With Less Time
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Start Being More Productive
3 Ways to Get a Difficult Project Completed Easily
The Real Estate Assistant Hiring Process
Have you ever wondered how to hire a real estate assistant but weren't sure exactly how to do it?
Here are the steps you need to take when hiring a real estate assistant.
What's Your Power Source as an Agent?
Curious about your power as a real estate agent? We’ve identified four types of “powers” agents have.
Be the Expert, Make More Sales
It’s no secret that salespeople are normally not very trusted. The Gallup poll has been doing a consumer report and publishing stats for years, evaluating which professions are the most trusted among Americans and which are the least trusted.
QUIZ - Are You Working Too Hard and Becoming Inefficient? Find Out!
Uncertain about whether you make the most of your time? Ask yourself these questions to find out if you're spinning your wheels without creating movement.
Hard Work Alone Doesn't Equal Success
Listen up: hard work alone won't make you successful. Most of us, myself included, have bought into the belief that if you hustle or grind and work 24/7, you are going to be successful.
Six Ways to Stand Out from the Competition
Most salespeople, when they go out and talk about their product or service, are competing with multiple competitors. If you're a real estate agent, there are over 1.3 million agents just in the United States that you have to compete with.
How to Generate Real Estate Leads with Advertising
Traditional advertising is still a terrific way to promote your business. There are obviously a lot of ways to do this, but I want to talk about the three most important ones.
Real Estate Networking: How to Get More Clients Through Networking
If you network correctly, it can be a huge source of listings and deals for your business. Networking is all about building relationships and connecting with those people on a consistent basis to stay in front of them.
Open House Tips: How to Get More Clients from Your Open House
I know when most people think about open houses, they think they are a lot of work or they think they draw nothing but “tire kickers” — buyers who are driving through the neighborhood and are stopping in just to stop in.
If you think about it, though, most open houses, when they're done correctly, will also attract a lot of sellers.
How to Get Real Estate Reviews
Another great way to get listings is online reviews. Online reviews impact purchasing decisions for over 93% of consumers, according to a survey conducted by Podium.
How To Use Social Media To Find Home Buyers and Sellers
The first way to earn leads is by using your sphere of influence through social media. Social media is a really good way to tap into a lot of leads quickly and stay perpetually in front of them.
How to Get Listings from Sellers Facing Difficult Times
Have you ever wondered how you can get listings from homeowners who are facing difficult times — maybe somebody going through a divorce or at risk of foreclosure? In these instances, homeowners need a compassionate agent like you to help them sell their homes.
Five Video Tips for Capturing Leads
Thanks for watching.
How to Work with Real Estate Investors
Another really good source of leads that a lot of agents overlook is investment homes. Because real estate is a prime place for people to invest their money, there are a lot of different types of investors out there who do things like fix and flip, buy and hold, and invest in vacant lots.
How to List Vacant Homes and Land
Another good source of business is vacant leads — not only vacant homes but vacant land, as well.
5 Ways to Get Listings from Competitive Sources
In our previous blog post and video, I discussed referrals from your sphere of influence as one way to get listings. In this blog, I’ll tell you about five more ways to get listings from competitive sources.
Real Estate Sphere of Influence Tips: How To Get Listings and Referrals From Your Database
One of the best ways to get leads is probably the most obvious: referrals from your sphere of influence. But it’s not enough to just say, “Go get referrals.”
Interview: Chris Smith Talks Media
Chris Smith, founder of The Curaytor and host of the #Watercooler Podcast, is no stranger to social media, with more than 38,000 followers on Twitter and more than 40,000 on Facebook.
Social Media Engagement Tips
I don’t know about you, but I love connecting with people.
Long before social media became the mainstay it is now, I was regularly calling and emailing friends, professional prospects and clients, asking them for feedback and reviews or just checking in. I thrived on it, and they were happy to engage with me because it was clear that they mattered.
10 Tips to Keep Real Estate Leads Warm
We discussed in Wednesday’s blog why leads sometimes go cold and what you can do to reestablish a connection. In today’s blog, I’ll discuss a few tactics that will prevent leads from going cold in the first place.
5 Reasons Real Estate Leads Go Cold and How to Warm Them Up
No matter how long you’ve been a real estate agent or how experienced you are, having leads go cold is a common hurdle we all face. Understanding why this happens and how to get back in touch with people can be challenging, but reviving cold leads is an important skill for your business.
Set the Tone: Tips for Smoother Communication
Have you ever heard someone’s words, but because of their delivery, you digested an entirely different message than the one that was intended? Tone is an undeniable part of how people perceive and interact, and in the field of real estate, it’s particularly important.
Let’s face it — if we’re going to earn the trust of our clients and assist them with such a large investment, we have to relate to them through more than words. Factors such as consistency, positivity and professionalism really matter.
5 Tips for a Personable Marketing Approach
Here’s an important question every Realtor should be able to answer:
What is your marketing approach?
Quiz: What is the Best Prospecting Technique for Me?
Tricks to Boost Your Real Estate SEO
Did you know that according to Hubspot, 97 percent of people start searching online to find a local business?
Don’t Weave a Tangled Web! Host a Simple Site to Attract More Leads
If you’re a Realtor, you probably already have a website. But not every website actually brings in quality leads — does yours?
How East Coaster Sheri is Establishing Herself on the West Coast
Sheri George has been a real estate agent since 1999. She specializes in luxury homes and working with first-time homebuyers. She recently moved from the east to west coast and is now working on rebranding herself.
How to Get Past Barriers to Your Success
Real estate is an industry full of ups and downs. Listings might come in bunches, and then you might go a while without any. Sales might boom, and then they might dwindle. But dealing with this ebb and flow is just part of being a Realtor.
Facebook Marketing, Mass Emails, and Mentoring — How Dennis Finds and Helps First-Time Homebuyers
Dennis has been a Realtor for seven years. He got into the work after retiring as a Vice President at IBM. He especially enjoys working with first-time homebuyers — many the same age as his adult kids — because he likes mentoring them and ensuring they’re making smart decisions.
Are You Communicating Effectively for Your Business?
Communication is important in any type of relationship. Communication allows you to explain to someone else what you are experiencing or feeling and what your needs are at any given moment.
How to Customize Your Easy-Close Package
If you’re reading this, chances are, you’ve heard about our book program — and maybe even use the books yourself. Our MyBooks members have access to 14 books they can personalize and give to prospects to improve and grow their businesses.
How Mark Wins Over ‘HGTV Experts’
Mark has been a Realtor for six years. He does about half his business with investors, about half with traditional residential buyers, and does a little work with commercial properties, as well.
7 Listing Presentation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Even the most experienced Realtors make mistakes during listing presentations. There's a lot going through your head, and it's easy to miss out on a detail or two.
Listing presentations are won when you can simultaneously prove your work and overcome objections. Here are 7 listing presentation mistakes and how to avoid them.
How Voicemail Marketing Gets David a 55% Callback Rate
David has been a real estate agent for 15 years and just got his broker’s license, a requirement in his state. He works on residential properties, as well as light commercial properties, including churches and warehouses. With a background in construction, David also works with a lot of new construction.
We talked with David last year and were curious to see how things are going for him now. David generously agreed to give us an update about his work.
Real Estate Technology: What to Use and What to Ignore to Grow Your Business
Most agents plan out their marketing budgets for a quarter or so at a time. Naturally, new advancements or products are put out or improved throughout every year.
The key is to know what new technology can help you get more listings and what products aren’t worth your money and time.
How Les Impressed Senior Sellers at His Seminar
"I think it's powerful because my contacts have never gotten anything resembling this from any other agent. It makes me look like an expert in my field."
Les started out as a real estate investor in 2004. He made the leap to Realtor in 2016.
"I've used Smart Agent Books for a couple years now in many different ways. Most recently, I offered it as a free gift to come to a senior seller's home webinar that I put on."
You Don’t Need Resources; You Need To Be Resourceful
The most successful entrepreneurs have one thing that sets them apart: Resourcefulness.
They understand that success is not about what you have, but rather how good you are at dealing skillfully and promptly with new situations or obstacles.
How Gary Bested Two Other Agents (Including a Friend of the Client) for a $1.975M Listing
Gary has been a Realtor for 33 years. While he works with clients of all kinds, he specializes in working with waterfront owners, condo owners, and higher-end properties in a resort market.
Number of books given away: About 100
Listings received with the help of the books: 4
Biggest benefit of using the books: “I have been competing with other high-end Realtors for listings, and the book is a turning point.”
30 Quick and Simple Social Media or Email Marketing Ideas
We’ve talked before about how important and impactful your online brand can be.
When used effectively, your email and social media marketing can help you form relationships with leads and build their trust in you.
How Sean Consistently Lands 35-45 Deals a Year
Sean has been a Realtor for 15 years. He works in a large area with a wide variety of people, including both residential and commercial clients. Sean previously recorded a video and spoke with our team, and we wanted to check in on his success. You can read what he said before and watch his video here. Read on for an update on what’s happened since we last spoke with him.
Number of books given away: About 100
Listings received with the help of the books: 5-10
Biggest benefit of using the books: It works as a way in the door to get that first meet-and-greet, and then if you do good follow-up…It'll give you good credibility, like it's supposed to.
How to Bring in Leads with Real Estate Newsletters
Sending a newsletter to your email list is the perfect way to stay in touch with your former clients and leads, without constantly giving them a sales pitch.
When done well, newsletters can keep cold or inactive leads around until they turn into listings, while simultaneously building your brand.
How New Agent John Landed 11 Listings in 3 Weeks!
“The book lends credibility and is a great tool for a new agent like me competing with agents with many listings and experience.”
Johnathan just returned to the United States in 2017 after teaching English abroad for nearly a decade. He renewed his real estate license in October last year.
He has been a Smart Agents member for about 2 months.
6 Tips to Become a More Tech-Savvy Agent
If you're a veteran in the real estate industry, you know just how much it's changed, even in the last 10 years. Technology now plays an integral role in how people search for properties and even how real estate agents reach and communicate with leads and clients.
This Winning Combination Scored Jeff a $7.4 Million Listing
“I've always been the brokerage’s expired king, but when I bought those books and started adding them onto my expired letters, I sealed the deals.”
Jeff has been in real estate for 2.5 years and specializes in expired listings.
He recently started handing out an expired book along with his expired letter.
Why Being Genuine is Your Most Valuable Real Estate Tool
You may be a veteran real estate agent who struggles to get clients. On the other hand, a newbie agent in your market could be killing it. How is that even possible? Shouldn’t you be way ahead of the new guy?
So what’s the problem?
It’s simple; you could be pushing clients away. You’re probably trying too hard to get clients and in the process killing your business.
Sleazy sales tactics simply don’t work anymore — not just for real estate agents, but for any kind of salesperson.
How Raymond Picks Up Listings at His Local Mechanic
“Believe me. I have seen a lot of different marketing programs out there, and I tell you what... One of the best, unique branding things that I've ever come across is Smart Agents and their books.”
Raymond has been a licensed Realtor since 1984. He keeps an assortment of books in a plastic storage container in his car so he’s always ready to give them out at a moment’s notice.
“Wherever I go, I drop them off. I don't care if I'm getting my oil changed. Wherever there's waiting room, I'm dropping them off.”

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