Want your recently sold listing (Congrats, btw) to turn into MORE listing opportunities? Here are six ways to make it happen!
Congratulations on selling a listing! But wait a minute - you want more listings? What are you going to do about that? Pound the pavement? Cold call? Start all over again?
How about this instead - take that one listing and turn it into multiple listings! Today I'm going to share six ways that you can take that one listing, build momentum in the neighborhood, and turn it into many more.
#1 Ringless Voicemails
Yes, it can be tough to call everyone in a neighborhood on the phone and use a script. Instead, why not try ringless voicemail? You can drop a voicemail to the entire area with a click of a button. There are many platforms that offer this service. Instead of the phone ringing, it goes straight to the voicemail, and you can share a brief message.
Say something like:
Did you know the home at 123 Maple Street just sold? And guess what? We had four offers, meaning there are three more buyers currently looking for another home in your neighborhood. Have you thought about selling? If so, please reach out to me at…..
#2 Email your list of contacts.
Number two is emailing everyone who lives nearby. Put an email together with the same information that you shared in the ringless voicemails.
For buyers who are looking in the community, it will let them know you sold the house, that you're active with buyers, and that you have more buyers. They might also know someone in that area getting ready to sell. If not, you just scored some brownie points with your sphere, letting them know that you're out there actively selling homes.
#3 Share the news on Facebook.
Number three is to post your good news about the sold home on Facebook. Don’t over-toot your own horn and make it too salesy, but post an attractive photo of the home (and perhaps even the happy sellers/buyers) to assure your fans that the market is great, and more buyers are looking for homes. Encourage them to reach out to you.
#4 Shoot a video from the home.
The fourth idea is to shoot a video from the home. I am surprised at how many agents will list the home, sell it, and let that be it. They will simply go back to cold calling to get another listing, versus grabbing the smartphone, taking a video of the house and saying something like, “I just sold this home at 123 Maple Street. I wanted to let you know we had three extra offers in this house. More buyers are looking, so please reach out to me right away if you are thinking about selling.”
The best thing about making a quick video is that it’s also good fodder for your social media pages.
#5 Meet people in the neighborhood.
Are you more of a face-to-face person? Then get out there, knock on doors, and let neighbors know the home sold. It's so simple, but many agents don't do this.
$6 Send mailers to the neighbors.
Number six is to mail out letters to that neighborhood.
I recommend making these six things part of your regular marketing process each time a home is sold. It’s even better if you get a five-star review from the sellers whose home you just sold - that will really solidify your marketing campaign. Check all six of them off as you complete them. None of it should take a long time or be very expensive, so why not do all six? The community wants to know who’s doing a great job at selling homes, and you can be the agent they think of.