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Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working

Written by Charles White | Sep 6, 2016 8:25:26 PM

Facebook offers the chance to reach some of the biggest online audiences. Not only that, but you can reach custom targeted audiences in very simple ways.

Every realtor or agent will have a few Facebook ads that turn out to be duds and don't bring in leads. There could be a lot of reasons why you aren’t seeing conversions from Facebook. Here are some tips and suggestions to avoid harming what should be a fruitful source of leads.

Bad Ad Copy

People don't go onto Facebook to buy things or look for anything really related to their housing search or sale. So anything that is not engaging and stale, will most likely get ignored. You cannot try to sell yourself or them anything in these ads. What gets clicks (and eventually leads) is offering more information. Peak their interest. Offering a free home value or some sort of evaluation does just that.

Create an ad that answers the important questions that your niche is asking. Catch their attention by showing them you want to help them solve their problem. Including a question in your ad copy is another good way to engage readers and get them to click your call-to-action button.

Not Targeting the Right Audience 

This is where it is so important to create the right custom audience. You should (or you should make) upload your contacts to the audience list in Facebook Ad Builder. When you first post something on Facebook, you will have the option to "Boost" the post. Do not do this until you have your groups of audience set up. If they are you can choose who you target when you're boosting the post.

Target the people in your area and target audiences in your area and in a realistic age range. The other way to populate your audience is to use the audience from similar pages or other real estate related pages. You are able to pull those audiences as well with the Ad Builder.

Having a Poor Landing Page 

Not having a landing page is just as bad. You HAVE to take the viewers who clicked on this to a landing or squeeze page where their information will be asked for and then recorded. Make sure you have a custom landing page for each niche that you are marketing to on Facebook.

Make sure the landing page is very specific. People need to be assured they are giving their information to the exact place that will benefit them. People are going to look for any slight reason not to put in their personal information. Any indicator that isn't exactly what they were looking for or promised and they will leave. Keep it straightforward and make sure the branding, wording and everything else is consistent with the ad.

 Joe Nickelson is a real estate professional dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers achieve their dreams of owning property, and helping real estate agents stop using the sometimes-vicious tactics that weigh on their consciences. He believes that the Smart Agents books will, quite literally, change people’s lives for the better. Check out his full bio here