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Realtor Gets Divorce Leads and Listings from Divorce Attorney

Written by Charles White | Jun 23, 2017 7:05:23 PM

This week I talked with Sharon, a member, who I interviewed before. She's been having consistent success with her licensed books but she recently starting working with a divorce attorney.

It's been successful and resulted in divorce leads and listings.

Here's what we touch on in the interview:

  • How she partnered with the lawyer and helped him out advertising.
  • How the lawyer refers his clients to her and what he gives them. 
  • How this has resulted in 3 transactions quickly.


Full Interview:


Smart Agents: All right, so I talked to you, probably four or five months ago and you have success in listings. What have you got since then with the books? And, I know you mentioned something about divorce listings.

Sharon: Right. Um, yes. The divorce listings, they hook it up with a, uh, local divorce attorney.

And my book and they're very impressed with that, so they're giving me some referrals on their end.

And right now I have, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ... Seven listings on my board, and three are on the book. So that's pretty good. That's pretty good ratios.

Smart Agents: Yes, and have you got any, uh, are any of those from the divorce attorney yet?

Sharon: Um, he sent me a couple. I have one, um, one property right now and that one is a pretty cool listing because it's not only just one listing, it's two listings and a purchase.

So, that's three transactions from the books.

Smart Agents: Oh, wow.

Sharon: Yes.

Smart Agents: At first how would you approach the divorce lawyer, and are you doing anything in return for him?

Sharon: Yeah, actually I have a pretty awesome, website that I connect with local businesses and vendors, so in exchange for him helping me promote my business I'm doing the same for him too. So, he's on my website for a referral for family practice ...

Sharon: and divorce attorney. Yeah. So it was kind of, it was kind of cool.

I do that with a lot of my vendors. But I hand the book out constantly to folks, and um, I met with one of the buyers yesterday from Chicago.

They flew in, short notice, and I don't know, the book is just a good tool. It's, it's more valuable than a business card, I'm finding.

Smart Agents: Yes. Back, um, so he referred you to the divorced couple and one of them called you and now you're doing the transactions for both of them?

Sharon: Right. They have two properties. They have one here in my area and then one in Big Bear and one then she went to purchase a property.

Smart Agents: Um, what did they say about the referral, and were they, did they just, you know, automatically go with it because they received a book from their lawyer?

Sharon: Well you have to interview them with, with the, with the uh, the sellers either way because, you know, you're representing them in the transaction. You have to have their best interest at heart.

When you go into a divorce, you have to be really careful because each party thinks they're screwing the other party out of their money. So, you have to be very neutral and, um, with the book it just gives you more clout.

It just shows that you're more of an expert when it comes to listings and fair and you're impartial, and it's just, it just gives you a little more of a clout with that.

Smart Agents: Yeah. That makes sense. What about your other two listings? What, what were they from? With the books.

Sharon: My other two listings are from, um, my sphere of influence and ... My sphere of influence pretty much, from past clients.

Smart Agents: Ah, all right, cool.

Sharon: I know. I know. Right?

It, it's kind of a great market out here. It's not, it's not just one specific agent just hammering it out here. It's pretty much who you know and who refers you out here.

So the marketing cost you, you spend ... You have to be careful with your dollars because it's not always going to get you business. You have to do it smart.

Smart Agents: Yeah, that makes sense. (laughing) Well I, I appreciate it. I'm really excited to talk about the divorce attorneys, because that's, it's something that we have never seen an example of yet.

Sharon: Yeah. It's, it's competitive. I mean that's, that's the whole point, so.

So, you try to make an appointment with these attorneys and they're busy and your phone's ringing and when you finally do get the opportunity to sit in front of them and start talking with them, they see the value.

And, I also do my HPR program too, where I do cash rebate, and, um, those kind of items. So, it, it's a pretty impact package when I sit down with these attorneys.

Books have a huge perceived value. They don’t get thrown away.

They can get tucked away somewhere, but most people aren’t going to toss them in the trash. They’re worth something, and they’re worth something to the author’s name.

Do this and you will position yourself as the authority in your market. When you give away your book, it will separate you from your competition. That’s how a smart agent thinks!

Want to get a free sample of the book that will get you more listings? Click the link below.



  Joe Nickelson is a real estate professional dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers achieve their dreams of owning property, and helping real estate agents stop using the sometimes-vicious tactics that weigh on their consciences. He believes that the Smart Agents books will, quite literally, change people’s lives for the better. Check out his full bio here