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Real Estate Words to Avoid In Your Marketing

Written by Charles White | Jul 20, 2017 1:50:50 PM

When people read your listings, website or any other marketing material, it's a reflection and extension of your brand.

Standing out can go both ways. First impressions mean everything.

Seeing photos or words from a brand influences a personal opinion of someone, even before a first meeting.

And then it affects their first fully formed opinion of someone after meeting them.

When your marketing copy is the first (or only) thing that someone sees, make sure it doesn't turn them off.

If someone reads a weak marketing message and hasn't met you yet, you'll be solely associated with that poor message.

There are words and phrases that are proven to be turn offs in real estate and sales.

It applies to your own marketing and marketing any listings you have.

Your listing descriptions should always contain clear and compelling words and phrases used to describe each home.

When you talk about yourself, you don't want to go too far. Ego will turn off owners.

Here is what to avoid saying when you market yourself:

"You Should"

It just doesn't come off as that helpful compared to what you should say. If something says, "You should be focusing on curb appeal'', it doesn't invite a lead to talk to you.

If you say, "If we focus on curb appeal to market your home, it will increase the chances of getting viewers in," it empowers them compared to "you should."

You want to be a realtor that helps them and doesn't tell them how to sell their home.

"You Have To"

"You have to lower your listing price to get any traction in this market."

It's almost the same concept as "you should." But this limits the control the owner has.

It's so important to not use this approach for expireds who need price reductions.

You have to take steps to show them that their house is priced too high.

If you show them stats and facts, then it'll be up to them to make a choice. You won't be able to make it for them.

"I'll Try"

This puts doubt in an owners mind. You should be saying "I will."

If you aren't sure you can get something done, explain to them the steps you'll take to try.

A lot of this is about telling owners in detail about the processes you take.

But putting "I'll Try" on any marketing material is a cardinal sin.

"Here's the Problem"

Never tell them the problem with selling their home. Give them the solution first.

Telling them what is wrong does nothing to help them that moment. Use the word opportunity instead of problem or challenge.

If you are going to be a problem solver while working with them, tell them how.

Don't Overhype Yourself

If all of your marketing is about how great you are, owners will only see that and not imagine their home getting sold.

They'll also just see a big ego. This is important. Agents do this all too much.

Just let your work or your plan speak for itself. 

Don't talk about how "I can sell your home quickly." Use we or reference the owner.

"I can help you sell your home in three months." It is not about you, the agent.

It's all about them. This way they can visualize selling their home with you. Instead of just thinking about all the other homes you previously sold.

Tell them and craft your marketing to say how you can help them sell their home for the most money.

Remember that your job is to help them, not do it yourself.

Here are the terms and phrases to avoid in your listing descriptions:

There is no room for fluff.

Everything that is on a description has to have a purpose and be entirely necessary. This is mostly adjectives I'm talking about.

There's no need to add them if you already have described the home.

Words like:

  • Fantastic
  • Spacious
  • Charming

These words don't accomplish anything and have been proven to be poorly received. Keep everything straight to the point.

Simple is good here.

When you do use adjectives, they have to be more descriptive than this.

Avoid Time References

"This won't be for sale for long."

"Hot property, hurry and get an offer in."

This immediately takes a huge chunk of potential buyers out of consideration. A lot of buyers won't be ready immediately to buy a home.

And what if it sits for over a month? These phrases are pointless to add into your listing descriptions.

"Move-in ready" is a phrase you can use to try and get a buyer quickly.

This lets someone know that it is available to buy and move in quickly, without ruling out other buyers who don't want to.


Naturally, this is not something buyers want to read. They probably don't want to be involved in a fixer upper.

Anytime that you mention something needs improvement, it's going to hurt that listing.

Get the owners to fix anything that needs it. 

That's the only way around this problem. You could just explain exactly what might need fixing.

But that is the lazy way out and not nearly as fool proof as getting the owners to make any repairs.

"Must Sell"

The first impression anyone that sees this has is that the seller is desperate. You're probably going to get some lowball offers because of that.

Or people will think there is something wrong or undesirable about the home.

This phrase will just slow down a home sale.

"Good Value"

When sellers use this phrase, it will almost result in the home selling for less than it should.

People also will think that it automatically means it may not be the prettiest or best house, but it's for a reasonable price.

Focus on other features to talk about, and don't mention if it is good value.

"Starter Home"

When someone sees this, they are going to automatically assume it isn't family sized.

Even if it is small, it could be good enough for a small family. Saying this can paint a slightly negative perception onto the listing.

Just list the square footage.

"Priced to Sell"

This is another phrase that will make buyers think the seller is motivated and desperate.

Think about it. It means that it is only priced to sell as soon as possible.

It also takes away from the properties other selling points.


People will think the home is going to be uncomfortably small.

If someone is looking at a bunch of houses online, they may not take the time to look up the square footage if it says cozy.

Just list the facts.

When your message is strong and consistent throughout all of your marketing, then you'll grow as a brand.

Smart Agents members have a special way of keeping a strong brand. Read below how.

Books have a huge perceived value. They don’t get thrown away.

They can get tucked away somewhere, but most people aren’t going to toss them in the trash. They’re worth something, and they’re worth something to the author’s name.

When you craft and keep a strong message, owners will come to you.

Do this and you will position yourself as the authority in your market. When you give away your book, it will separate you from your competition. That’s how a smart agent thinks!

Want to get a free sample of the book that will get you more listings? Click the link below.


 Joe Nickelson is a real estate professional dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers achieve their dreams of owning property, and helping real estate agents stop using the sometimes-vicious tactics that weigh on their consciences. He believes that the Smart Agents books will, quite literally, change people’s lives for the better. Check out his full bio here