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Real Estate Gifts To Increase Referrals

Written by Charles White | Dec 12, 2019 11:00:00 AM

Giving a gift to a client after a transaction is a common thing for agents to do. And for a good reason.

Real estate closing gifts show your appreciation for the client and help build your relationship for later.

The more lasting power the gift has, the more likely a referral can come from that customer. It's the best way to cap off a successful partnership.

A home warranty is one of the most typical gifts, but who knows when that will get used. There are better ways to show your appreciation.

Don't make this gift about you.

Something with your company's logo on it is not a great idea. You want the client to remember you, but how much time will there be before they take a branded item down.

Noone wants something branded in the middle of their house. Make the gift about them.

It's the only way it can have some lasting power. Don't give them anything with your name or initials.

If it is a thoughtful gift, they'll remember you.

Give them the gift in person.

Sending it in the mail or dropping it off is just not the same as delivering it in person. In person, it's more sincere.

This is where you can ask for referrals and review. It is one of the best times to ask.

Mailing the gift takes away that opportunity.

Make it personal.

Make it personal to them, and not you (like I said before). Since you worked with them for a few months, you should have a good grasp of who they are.

The gift can be relevant to their tastes and what you learned about them. Then it will mean something to them.

Adding this personal touch also shows you spent a good amount of time and effort to make the selection, making your client feel that much more appreciated and listened to throughout the process.

Keep it as local as possible.

Getting them something related to local business is a great way to associate yourself even more with your area and give them something unique.

People are proud of where they lived or are moving to, so something that represents that region is a great idea.

Make it creative but make sure it connects to their area.

Here are some gift ideas that work if you sold their home or helped them find a new home.

Voice Command Assistant 

Amazon Echo's and Google Home's are incredibly popular right now. They can control a lot of different parts of someone's house, so it's a natural fit.

It's new technology and will get noticed whenever used. Then the owner tells people where they got it from, and you get brought up.

Food Services 

There are a lot of companies these days that deliver ingredients or ready to cook food to people's doors.

Blue Apron is one of them. You can get your clients a weeks worth of meals or so.

It's a perfect thing to give your clients to break into a new home with.

Personalized Household Items

Stuff like engraved knives, picture frames, blankets or pillows are great items to give. Personalize them with their initials or names.

Wine glasses or mugs is another idea that's popular. All of this stuff will get a lot of use.

Painting or a Picture of the New Home

A painting of their new house is unique and could mean a lot to those new owners. It could be a lot cheaper than you thought as well. is a place where you can get a picture turned into a painting for around 50 bucks.

Just giving them a framed picture of their new house is a good idea as well. Either way, it's something they should put on a wall and remember you by.

Plants or Outdoor Decoration

This immediately helps spruce up their walkway or yard. These types of gifts will always be appreciated and used.

Art or Photo Albums

Get them anything artistic for the home that you think can meet their taste.

A photo album of their old house and memories is also a good idea.

Normal Housewarming Items

This is low on the list because it's so obvious. When people move, they may need new kitchenware and things of this nature.

These gifts will get used.

A gift card to their favorite local places.

This gesture isn't as thoughtful as some of these other suggestions. But it is a very good idea especially if you know their favorite places.

Mistakes to avoid with your gifts.

Making it about you or your firm and business.

I mentioned this in the beginning of this blog, but it is worth repeating. The best gifts to give to a client are ones that are related to who they are.

That doesn't involve your brand at all. Your intention should still be that your client remembers you when he or she sees the gift they remember you and the home selling experience.

It can't be branded with any logos either. That will ultimately ruin the personal touch you are going for.

Giving the gift at the wrong time.

Right after signing the papers is not the best time to give this gift. Clients will appreciate your gift more if you wait a little.

If they just sold their house, their mind will be on moving. You want to give it to them during a time where they'll be more likely to vividly remember it.

Not giving a gift at all.

Giving a gift and doing it the right way is a huge opportunity to keep the door open for referrals and future business from your clients.

By no means is it necessary to give a gift at the end of business. But it's also never required to go the extra mile as a realtor, ever.

This is an act that builds your relationship with your client. It should happen every transaction.