More people are staying home or curbing their social and professional gatherings. But with the help of a few applications, you can conduct business as usual with real estate clients.
Right now, much of the country is engaging in social distancing because of COVID-19 concerns worldwide. This process could take a while, depending on the virus’ behavior and what is deemed best by local and national authorities.
What does this uncertainty mean for you as a real estate agent? You may have trouble getting facetime with buyers and sellers, and you will definitely need new strategies. Virtual meetings will help you stay in touch with clients and potential clients without having to meet in person, and, with the number of applications available, there’s no reason to cease communication and lose those deals.
If you’ve never conducted a virtual meeting before via Skype, Zoom or a similar application, here are the upsides to doing so:
Virtual meetings can be held anywhere.
If you’re stuck in your car because the pick-up line at school long or at home with a sick family member, virtual meetings can keep things on schedule.
Virtual meetings are safe during COVID-19.
For those who want to be cautious and avoid social contact, virtual meetings help.
Virtual meetings require fewer resources.
All you need for a virtual meeting is wi-fi. You don’t need gas, a babysitter or any of the other resources that an in-person meeting may require.
So what applications are best for conducting meetings virtually? We’ve rounded up a handful of popular choices that are either free or low-cost. There are others, of course, but these are ideal for agents who are not certain they want to make a long-term investment.