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FSBO Sales Appointments Part 5: The Traditional Listing Appointment

Written by Smart Agents | Sep 20, 2019 1:00:00 PM

FSBO Sales Appointments Part Five: It's time to get that listing! With a few smart strategies, the sellers will see how you can solve all their problems and sell their house. 

Part One: I Have A Buyer
Part Two: May I Preview The Home?
Part Three: Open House Drop-By
Part Four: Door Knocking

Now let's talk about a traditional listing appointment. How can you knock this kind of appointment out of the park and slide into home with a listing? 

Here are a few of my favorite tips, based on my own experiences and those of other agents I’ve spoken with. 

Get out of your own head. 

The first thing to remember is to relax. Don't be uptight or fake, and be willing to walk away without the listing. I've talked to so many agents who bombed the whole appointment because they were too nervous. They tell me, “My presentation went off track because I was just thinking about how desperately I need the listing!”

Naturally, this kind of tension is going to throw off the sellers, as well. Experienced agents (and salespeople in general) learn to give presentations in a totally relaxed state. They're not uptight or pushy, and they hit the right notes based on the seller’s responses.

Unlike a nervous agent who is trapped in his own head, an experienced and relaxed agent is focused on the seller. 

Be personable. 

When you're giving your listing presentation, keep in mind that there should be plenty of dialogue. It’s not a traditional presentation where you stand up, give your spiel and wait for applause at the end. Make it a friendly conversation. Bring up any pain points that the sellers mentioned before the presentation, maybe during a phone call or the tour of the home. There should be a unique connection between the seller and your presentation, based on the relationship you’ve built. 

Too often, we show up to a listing presentation, and all we’re thinking about is the listing. It’s like being so focused on the home run that you forget to even swing the bat. You won't win the game, and you'll walk away frustrated. 

Think of a listing presentation the same way. Have fun, keep the conversation flowing and keep up the same rapport you’ve already established with the sellers. 

Be open to questions. 

If the sellers interject a question while you’re sharing information, don’t shut them down and say “I’m getting to that.” Instead, encourage them to ask questions and engage in dialogue with you.  If you’re truly going to get to that same topic in just a moment, you can let them know. Say something like:

I’m glad you asked that question. It’s a great question, and I will have the answer in just a minute. Sound good? 

This is a softer approach, and assures the seller that you’re going to address their concerns momentarily. Of course, answering right away is another option, depending on where you are in the presentation (and, again, what your rapport is with the sellers). The key is not to sound annoyed or thrown off by any questions they ask.

Set yourself apart from other agents. 

If you fail to set yourself apart, you are making the same mistake made by numerous other real estate agents. What is the difference between you and all of the other agents the sellers could have hired? Perhaps the answer is already clear, especially if you met them door knocking or in another atypical way. But if not, you’ll likely need to reiterate why the sellers will be particularly satisfied working with you, and try to focus on that reason in your presentation. For example, if you are highly experienced working in a particular neighborhood, keep that fact at the forefront. 

Present a solution. 

Whatever the seller’s problem is, you’re there to solve it. Always highlight what makes you a great agent — but always connect it to how it will help THE SELLER and not just how great YOU are. 

Hopefully, at this point, you’ve already identified the homeowner’s problem. Knowing this information will make the presentation much more effective. 

For example, let’s say your seller is in a hurry to relocate because of a job offer. You could say something like:

I know you said moving to Florida was important to you and that you needed to get there in two months. This is why I want to launch this strategy — so you can get there faster. We've learned that when we do A, B, and C, we get more offers in a shorter amount of time.

This is a great example of taking your rehearsed presentation and working in the seller’s dilemma, as well as a solution that fits. It shows you are listening and that their situation is important to you. 

If you know their pain points ahead of time, you can match up the main pain points with possible solutions. Bad photos? Hire a photographer. The bathroom is outdated? Get rid of the pink toilet. Again, hit pain points with clear solutions. Match the solutions and the pain points together, and always identify (and solve) the biggest pain point. 

Also, be cautious not to focus on one of the small pain points during the presentation and neglect to address the main problem. This is what we call “identifying the mosquito bite instead of the migraine,” and it’s a mistake. Think of it this way: If someone has a migraine and can't sleep or work, and it’s ruining their whole life, you don’t have to push the medication on them. They are going to buy it!

Know when to close. 

Don’t be afraid to close when the presentation comes to an end. Say something like: 

Are you ready to get started selling your home?

You might also want to bring up the pain point one more time. For example:

I know you said you wanted to have offers by the end of June, and if we launched now, we'll have those offers coming in. 

Above all, be confident. Don’t fumble around and say, “Uh, so, can I list your home?” It will make the mood awkward. 

Follow up if necessary. 

If you need to follow up after the listing appointment, create a sense of urgency. Call the next day with a new piece of information. Say something like: 

I was just in a brokerage meeting, and they let me know that we have a new group of buyers. I would love to get your house listed and get offers coming in on your home. Can we get started today? 

Though they may have interviewed another agent, you now you have a piece of information that you're leveraging. Even if you walk out without the listing in person, don't be afraid to follow up on the phone. Follow up with a valuable piece of information or reason the homeowner needs to list now.