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How to Make Every Day a Great Day

Written by Smart Agents | Jul 30, 2019 2:40:00 PM

Have you ever had an amazing day ...where everything seemed to go perfectly? 

How would you like to have that happen every day? 

It may be hard to believe but it’s possible.

Lets face it... If every day was as good as our best day we’d have an amazing life, right? 

But the reason we have bad days is because we structure our days incorrectly. 

 I’m going to show you how to make every day a good day... every day can be productive and fulfilling!

Why are some days bad?

It’s important to understand why we have BAD days. 

Most people aren’t intentional enough to have amazing days on a regular basis. 

Plus we don’t remove things that derail us and get us off track…

Let’s think about what happens during most people’s “average day”. 

Maybe we go to work and “let life happen”. 

Or we go with a schedule, a plan, or a list of things we need to do. 

We all have good intentions, but things come up and we get interrupted. 

Or maybe we check our email or social media, and something throws us off our schedule. 

And our entire day gets derailed… 

Then we come home discouraged, defeated, and in a bad mood wondering what happened. 

It happens to everyone. 

I’ve had many days where I looked back on my day, wondering what I did.

I knew I worked, and it felt like I worked really hard, but the day had been such a chaotic blur that I don’t remember if I accomplished anything important.   

I did a LOT of busy work but I wasn’t productive. 

Does this sound familiar? Well it doesn’t have to be.

Before you try to fix this problem with a “better plan” or maybe a “daily planner” or “another productivity app” lets fix the core problem FIRST… 

...which is the reason WHY this keeps happening in the first place.

We don’t have good days every day because we forget how we are wired. 

It’s human nature to avoid pain when we struggle with something during the day. 

We let distractions like emails or social media distract us when we struggle with something. 

When we are doing something difficult, it’s easy to think... 

“Hey, I’m going to take a break from this and check my email really quick” 

...and then we get distracted and end the day wondering what happened, right? 

How to Have Better Days

So the first step to having a good day, every day, is to understand HOW we are wired. 

We will always try to avoid pain. It’s human nature. 

We all have a certain amount of energy and discipline at the beginning of every day. 

Our discipline and energy is kind of like our phone battery. 

At the beginning of the day, it starts with a full charge, but the more you use it, the faster it drains. 

By the end of the day, it’s easy to feel mentally and physically drained and have nothing left to give. 

It’s easier for us to make decisions at the beginning of the day versus the end of the day. 

Recently, I remember my wife asking me what I wanted for dinner after a difficult day I had.

I couldn’t come up with an answer. I just sat there and stared at her. 

It was hard for me to even respond with, “I don’t know, just make anything”. 

Has something like that ever happened to you? 

My point is this is how humans work… and we should structure our day to work the way we are wired, versus trying to fight against it. 

Here are my tips: 

  • Structure your ideal day to put the stuff that takes the most discipline first. 
  • Create systems and strategies to remove distractions. 
  • Develop principles for helping you make decisions faster, with less effort. 
  • And create an “ideal day” framework so it’s easier to structure your days in such a way where you win and have a good day more consistently... 

It’s important to remember that your “ideal day” only needs to make sense for you. 

You don’t need to try to fit into someone else’s “ideal day,” and they don’t need to fit into yours. 

So when you hear someone say “this is exactly how to do it," remember we are ALL different. 

Don’t feel like you have to fit into someone else’s mold to be successful. 

You just have to understand the core components and then you can craft the “ideal day” framework that will work best for you. 

Here's a Recap:

  • Do the work that takes the most discipline for you first.
  • Remove distractions or create a set time to check things that can get you off track, like email.
  • Lay out your days in an “ideal day” framework that works for you. 
  • And track what works and what doesn’t to improve your processes as you go.