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How to Be The Real Estate Expert in your Community

Written by Smart Agents | Oct 31, 2019 1:00:00 PM

Want to grow your business, grow your sphere and make more sales? Get a little creative and host an event! It's easier than you think. 

Would you like to be known as the local expert in your area?

Great news - there are ways to make that happen, and I wanted to share one of my favorites with you today.

Hosting an Event is Easier Than You Think

Have you ever thought about hosting an event? Think about it! You have a lot of knowledge, and your knowledge can help a lot of people. Believe it or not, there are people out there who are looking for information and prefer to learn it in ways OTHER than the internet. These folks include first-time home buyers, real estate investors, interior designers who specialize in staging, and other professions that revolve around real estate.

Don't be intimidated at the idea of being responsible for an event, either -  you can team up with the other people to give the presentation and event more "oomph." For example, let's say you want to host an event on real estate closings. Ask a real estate attorney to join you.

This way, you have an event for people to attend, you are offering valuable information and and anyone there has the opportunity to meet others interested in the field - including you!

Get People Excited Ahead of Time

If you're thinking - No way! I can't do that. What if no one shows up? I'll feel so foolish! - let me assure you, it's really not that hard. People are out there who need the information are looking for it, and if you start ahead of time,  let's say 30 to 45 days  away from the event, and you get on Meetup, Event Brite or another event platform, you can get people to RSVP.  Share away on social media, and also ask your friends, family, and colleagues to come support you and offer feedback of how the event went.

Share Highlights Online

Doing an event like this can be a huge stepping stone for you as a local expert and someone who wants to grow their sphere of influence. Once you're known as the agent who hosted a valuable event, you will be able to connect with a lot more people. Plus, if you get someone to record it or take some pictures, you can leverage that across your social media and your website, helping to build your credibility online. So think about this after the event as well, so that's another way you can leverage an event.

Pitch Your Presentation to Your Chamber 

Another thing you can do is take your own expertise to your chamber. Local chambers love having speakers come in and if you say, "I have a 30 minute presentation with a financial adviser, mortgage broker or home inspector and myself, they will take you up on that many times.

Don't forget to talk to absolutely everyone who shows up at the chamber mixer. Also consider how many people who are relocating to the area might reach out to the chamber for new resident packets. You could ask if they would be willing to forward your information to new buyers in the community. Basically, you just have to be the agent that's willing to be creative - the one that asks the questions, puts the event together and positions herself as the local expert.

Sponsor and Present at Other Community Events

Now, if you really want to knock this out of the park, you can also take your branding and presentation and team up with other organizations in your area. Maybe you sponsor a pet adoption. Maybe you sponsor a school event or community charity event. There are so many possibilities, and if you have a polished presentation, you'll stand out at a variety of gatherings in your community and become memorable. 

Of course, if someone wants more information about you and what you do,  you will have to be prepared to connect with your audience. Make sure you have fliers, cards or something with contact information handy whenever you give your presentation. 

Practice Beforehand

If you've never been one to try public speaking and you consider yourself a bit of an introvert, I suggest getting some practice with your local Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an old organization that hones public speaking skills and helps you develop them. It would present a friendly "practice audience" to share your ideas with. And if you want to start even smaller, friends and family work, too. 

The bottom line is, your apprehension is shared. Many agents won't try building their own presentation and sharing it with their community. With creativity and courage, you will become the local expert in your area, and you will grow your real estate business.